Felix Donnelly

New Zealand


2019 2018

Alla Platt Kuperad Berg Tempo
Datum Nr Utökad Lopp UCI
09.11 Tour of Southland | NE 2019-11-09
09.11 42 Tour of Southland | Sammanlagd 2019-11-09
09.11 37 Tour of Southland | Spurt 2019-11-09
09.11 21 Tour of Southland | 7.etapp 2019-11-09
09.11 48 Tour of Southland | 6.etapp 2019-11-09
08.11 45 Tour of Southland | 5.etapp 2019-11-08
07.11 57 Tour of Southland | 4.etapp 2019-11-07
06.11 39 Tour of Southland | 3.etapp 2019-11-06
05.11 11 Tour of Southland | 2.etapp 2019-11-05
04.11 63 Tour of Southland | 1.etapp 2019-11-04
03.11 6 Tour of Southland | Prolog | TTT 2019-11-03