Alexander Prishpetnyy

Russia, 36 år


2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006

Alla Platt Kuperad Tempo
Datum Nr Utökad Lopp
09.05 Five rings of Moscow | 2.2 2006-05-09 Visa mer
09.05 DNF Five rings of Moscow | Sammanlagd 2006-05-09
08.05 DNF Five rings of Moscow | 4.etapp 2006-05-08
07.05 38 Five rings of Moscow | 3.etapp 2006-05-07
06.05 93 Five rings of Moscow | 2.etapp 2006-05-06
05.05 124 Five rings of Moscow | 1.etapp 2006-05-05
05.05 89 Five rings of Moscow | Prolog 2006-05-05