Vladislav Taranenko

Russia, 27 år



2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Alla Platt Kuperad Tempo UCI?
Datum Nr Utökad Lopp UCI
05.05 Five rings of Moscow | 2.2 2019-05-05 Visa mer
05.05 46 Five rings of Moscow | Sammanlagd 2019-05-05
30.06 39 Russia RR | CN 2019-06-30Visa mer
05.05 18 Five rings of Moscow | Poäng 2019-05-05
05.05 3546 Five rings of Moscow | 4.etapp 2019-05-05
04.05 772 Five rings of Moscow | 3.etapp 2019-05-04
03.05 7676 Five rings of Moscow | 2.etapp 2019-05-03
02.05 3268 Five rings of Moscow | 1.etapp 2019-05-02
01.05 6767 Five rings of Moscow | Prolog 2019-05-01
21.04 GP Sochi NE 2019-04-21
21.04 24 GP Sochi | 5.etapp 2019-04-21
20.04 17 GP Sochi | 4.etapp 2019-04-20
19.04 21 GP Sochi | 3.etapp 2019-04-19
18.04 25 GP Sochi | 2.etapp 2019-04-18